
Kiwis de Portugal


Kiwis de Portugal

Kiwis represent the nutritional wealth of the world of fresh fruit, being recognised as one of the 10 best foods of the world. The high nutrient content of this fruit makes the consumer feel healthier, younger, more energetic and happier.

Its unique flavour and organoleptic and nutritional properties, only possible due to our rich soils, the abundant sunlight, our temperate climate and, of course, our know-how combined with passion enable the ongoing growth of this sector.

LOBA shared know-how and passion with APK (Portuguese Association of Kiwi Producers), the entity promoting the Kiwis de Portugal internationalisation project, in the creation of the brand's logo and its unfolding into various items to support the communication and activation of the brand in international markets.

Kiwis de Portugal - Detalhe 1 - LOBAbx
Kiwis de Portugal - Detalhe 2 - LOBAbx
Kiwis de Portugal - Detalhe 3 - LOBAbx
Kiwis de Portugal - Detalhe 4 - LOBAbx
Kiwis de Portugal - Detalhe 5 - LOBAbx
Kiwis de Portugal - Detalhe 6 - LOBAbx
Kiwis de Portugal - Detalhe 7 - LOBAbx
Kiwis de Portugal - Detalhe 8 - LOBAbx

    • 2024 LOBA
      european funds logos
      european funds logos
      european funds logos
      european funds logos